Sunday, 15 January 2012

Starting a blog

Wow it's hard even beginning to know where to start when you've never blogged before and to decide which provider to use, how to set out a page, its text, the colours, the content etc, and if in fact it's even worth doing!
I started looking at different blog sites a week or so ago and very much liked the one my up and coming friend joanna has built.
She (thank you joanna) gave me the inspiration in the first place to even start a blog as she and her husband moved to Bulgaria some time ago and the information and advice she's offered in her posts have been invaluable so i thought i'd follow her footsteps and do the same.
Hopefully it'll be an interesting read, and of value (more so as it develops into the future) to other people who are considering a new life in Bulgaria.
I guess also that this is going to become a very personal insight into me, even to myself, and that's an interesting (and somewhat scary) thought, as the last time i wrote down any sort of diary was some 35 years ago!
Anyway, i'm going to see if this post will even 'save and publish', and i hope to entertain and inform you of my goings on over the next however long into the future!


  1. Hi Martin
    Oh I am so excited for you !!!!! I looooove when people fall in love with this amazing part of the world & it is so obviously in your soul already, fantastic! Thank you for adding me to your friends I am so happy to have your blog to read, its going to be great. You have already captured my imagination. Just wondering how many times I can say fantastic & get away with it hahaha.
    I relate totally with setting up a blog, phew! I actually wasted a whole very important first year, how mad is that? All because I didn't do it before we left & didn't record the build up. Well done for being forward thinking. The first year is so important, all the stuff you have to do settling in, meeting people, finding your way & all the excitement! Oh I can't wait to read & laugh with you & sometimes maybe cry a little in wonder, excitement & frustration. I have cried today with your expression of your burgeoning relationship with Bulgaria & for what you said about me! Thank you so much It is going to be a pleasure getting to know you & sharing your life here. & yes we will end up knowing you from the inside out, it can't be helped when undertaking a blog, but hey we can take it LOL Enjoy the time you have with your family & friends & be very EXCITED!!!!!! Jo

    1. Hiya Joanna!
      I really really have to keep up to speed with this, only just realised that you've commented lol, sorry hon :) Yes, you really were the inspiration for this whole blog and i love reading yours too and can't wait to see you and nigel over there. Big big hugs, Mart :)

  2. Hi Martin and welcome to the Blogosphere !,

    I don't think blogs were around 8 years ago when I first came to Bulgaria, but they are absolutely invaluable tools these days especially for you as a record for hopes,feelings adventures and aspirations on your wonderful journey.

    Thank-you for becoming a member of my blog and I am of course reciprocating.Which village are you in in Dobrich region ?.Good Luck !.

  3. Aha, so are you the reason i couldn't register '' haha!
    Someome suggested it a few weeks back and i thought it was a great idea so if it was you that's registered it, brill!
    Thanks for replying by the way and yes, this seems to be the way to go nowadays which is a cross between the devil and the deep blus sea as in many respects i hate the internet and modern technology which is one of the main reasons for me wanting to move out there.
    This blog will follow many many mistakes that i'm no doubt going to make but even that will hopefully prevent someone else in the future doing the same. It's been great reading all your blogs and thank you for contributing to us all.
    I've purchased my places in two villages actually, not that far from your place, roughly 15km north of General Toshevo, close to Rosen and will write more about these in a later posting.
    One has been brought to renovate as i'm a builder, and the other will be sold on eventually perhaps, which leaves a third one which i'm planning to build on too, taking down the existing house which is liveable but not great at the moment.
    It's gonna be a rollercoaster of a ride!

    1. Good luck martin ,and welcome to Bulgaria. sharon (popovo).

  4. Yes it will be a rollercoaster ride.I think you will find out how much you need the internet when you get here to maintain contact with the outside world.Thanks for the nice comment about our blogs.If you need any help e mail me at know the area you have bought in its quite attractive very close to the Romanian border.

  5. I have added you to 'My Blog List' on my site to get you more readers, perhaps you could put your dear old Uncle on your's te he

  6. Yes, the internet will be crucial i guess, just for translation of building materials and for the language itself i guess, plus the keeping in touch with everyone.
    Thanks for your offer of any help i may need, you must be an old hand over there now! Ooh, and i'll look now about how to do the blog list thingy, and thank you :)

  7. good luck in yer new life martin dont worry u have done the right thing

  8. we have an apt near goldensands had it 8 years we stay there 3 months and love it spend a lot of time in kranavo lovely beach get a nice meal in village cheap beer nice people u can keep spain etr bulgaria as some kind of stigma with brits but they never been

  9. oh forgot to say we just come back from goa had 9 weeks we have been most places in the world so we have seen most of the world but bulgaria is brill by the way we are nearly 70 so we not being big head in any way just dont know why other brits have not found out

  10. Hiya, yes you're right, and i can see Bulgaria slowly getting on the map with brits as the current uk situation just gets worse. Sounds like you have a fantastic lifestyle and i love travelling too so even Bulgaria will become a base for me to travel elsewhere, there's so much to see in this old world isn't there?
    I must continue my blog actually, as my plans have changed just a little with the new girl in my life but certainly not letting the dream (reality) fall by the wayside!
    Good luck on your travels and will have to meet in BG for a shopska and a zagorska !

    1. My dear brother. I just spent the last half hour telling you how wonderfull it is to read your blog, but I fear I've pressed the wrong button & lost it all. Suffice to say, I'm thrilled to learn how your adventure's going. You seem very very happy.
      I'll publish this to see if I get it right this time, & if so, will write again tomorrow.
      Big big love from us all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Hey Hey. Got it right this time!
    Off to bed now, but will write you properly tomorrow.
    :)))) xxxxx
